I guess an introduction is in order;
My name is Sandy and I am a member of Gen X - which puts me nearer to 40 than 30.
I have 4 young children and a very tolerant husband.
I was a transport manager - anyone that has been there knows how onto it and organized you have to be. After my twins were born I started studying for a business degree and was an A Grade student. My husband and I were level 5 ballroom dancers.....well, you get it - I had a life
Then I got a couple of health issues....
Over the course of the last 2 years I have progressively begun to lose the use of my legs, my co-ordination and cognitive abilities are about half what they used to be. I get parasthesia in my face, legs and arms and to top it all off I have started suffering from repeat bouts of canker sores on my face and oral thrush. I frequently need someone to drive me because of my blurred vision, sensitivity to sunlight, vertigo and leg weakness.
(Bit of a mess eh?!)
I have spent thousands on my neurologist through the private system, I have had brain and spinal MRIs that are both clear and several EMG's which suggest nothing 'remarkable' although no-one seems to be able to pin point what the findings are!
I have also spent thousands on a naturopath (ND) who absolutely had the 'answer' every time that I saw him. The first time it was adrenal fatigue, the second was MS, the third was heavy metal poisoning.
All blood tests are fine, cortisol tests are normal for a Mom with 4 kids, my hair analysis was wacko with lead and antimony being through the roof and several others being much higher than 'normal'. I have had follow up bloods done for the heavy metal toxicity these are normal, so any contamination is not current.
My neuro has me pegged as a neurotic housewife and my naturo is pissed that I can't afford his treatment for the detox.
Meanwhile I am using a walking stick just to walk my daughter the 200m to school everyday and need someone to drive me long distances.
After doing a heap of research on Mr Google - as you do - and seeing all the drama that a systemic Candida infection could cause we decided that there could be no harm in undertaking a program to at least eliminate this and get the immune system somewhat functioning again.
I do not expect this to cure me - I should say that straight up. I am not entirely convinced that my problem lies with just a Candida overgrowth, but seeing as official testing is not showing anything I have nothing to lose. We will see what we are left with once I have finished the program.
Hubby is also doing this with me, partly to keep me company (bless him!) and partly to see how it would work for someone who was 'normal'.
We chose the How To Cure Candida program partly because of its sales page - very cool, partly because of the young team that run it but mostly because it also seemed to be the best all round cleansing program for not only Candida, but also parasites. It also contains a detox protocol which would help to chelate the metals out while making sure that the liver and kidneys were supported.
Why am I documenting this?
3 Reasons;
I reckon that I will see some improvement in my health as a result of following through with it. With the way my life is at the moment, any improvement would be fantastic - nothing like putting it into the public forum!
If this does work in more ways than I anticipate, then there are many people who need this information and that can stop paying thousands upon thousands of dollars for treatment that is either; not working, that gives an inconclusive result or getting the treatment from people that make them feel like utter crap.
I am an internet marketer, but I also like to think that I am an ethical marketer, so I guess this is a bit of a test to see how these magic eBooks actually work when it comes to curing health issues.
Just so we are all on the same page;
The product that I am using is How To Cure Candida,
It is a downloadable eBook by Dean Boukaras, Jessica Dale & Ryan Shea.
I only purchased the basic version at a cost of $39.95 (US).
Here we go, wish me luck!

This was my spit test result within 10 minutes. A big pile of yuck on the bottom of the glass!
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