Monday, June 14

How To Cure Candida - Week 8


I have officially had enough of salads!

It's not that I don't like them usually - its just that we are well into winter here and all the yummy types of lettuce greens are long gone or hellishly expensive, which just leaves us with good old 'iceberg'.

Now Iceberg is great with a variety of accompanying foods - like cheese, red peppers, tomatoes, hang - anything that has a modicum of taste. Unfortunately everything that has a modicum of taste is either out of season or not allowed......


Oh, well, thank goodness for stir fries and soup.

Also this week my local friendly supermarket stopped stocking our one kosher treat - yummy rice bread - you remember - the stuff that is terrible raw but divine toasted! Honestly I could eat a whole toasted loaf in one sitting YUM!

Well, apparently we must be the only ones who think so, because no more deliveries boo hoo.
I wonder if I can find a supplier online........

Anyway - not much to say for this week.

Phil has had a shocker - there have been treats provided for him at every turn and he has had a right knees up! The interesting thing is that he has come back down to earth with a crash.

He has always had a really white tongue, but for the last three weeks it has been clear, a fact that he was really rapped with. Well, this morning he looked in the mirror and 'hello' a big thick white layer of icky!

Talk about gutted!

So Phil has decided that maybe he should keep on with at least most of the program......bless :o)

See ya

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