The 'Strange but true' discovery of the week is that if I do not keep up with my 2.5 liters of water a day then my heavy metal detox stuff will make sure that I sweat out my toxins!
Phil has discovered that maybe he shouldn't be drinking bourbon as his once a week treat - either that or maybe he should leave the coke out!
Last week I though that there may have been a link between my leg spasms and my sugar intake, but having had no sugar or any other cheat food all week my legs decided to go off all by themselves.....double drat!
On a good note, Phil is holding his weight and I have dropped another kilo - very happy with this ;o)
So at week 7 what are we eating?
Just the same -
- stirfries,
- salads,
- soups,
- fruit - pears, kiwi, berries, apples, bananas
- eggs
- seeds and nuts (watch for the mold on the walnuts - yuck!)
- rice crackers - with or without hummus, cottage cheese or salmon/tuna
Phil has upped his carbo food and now definitely includes potato, wholegrain pasta, brown rice etc in with his meals.
We have found a muesli which meets all our requirements so this has replaced the scrambled egg breakfast.
Our anti-fungal regime is still in rotation. This week we are on garlic and colloidal silver.
We have a nettle tea or two during the day to help flush the kidneys.
I know that we were supposed to do a liver flush this week - but we had an eventful Friday, so decided to flag it this week. Also, our young son is still not sleeping through the night, so we are really hesitant to do one until we know that we will get at least 5 hours sleep!
I haven't done my liver cleanse yet either. I just finished the parasite cleanse and kind of sick of cleansing. I will get to it soon.