OK, so apparently I've got CFS right
- It's kind of the official term for 'we acknowledge that something is wrong but we don't know what'.
Which is fine, but what annoys me is that everywhere you turn you have medical professionals saying that CFS is not caused by Candida......they don't know what does cause it, but they know that the Candida fungus isn't one of those causes - huh?
Do a quick search of 'Candida CFS' or Does 'Candida Cause CFS' and you will find many stories of people who have gone on Candida diets and found some relief, only to get a relapse when they lapse off the diet.....
Or is it a case of 'what came first - the chicken or the egg'. Could our Candida actually be a symptom of our CFS.
Is it our Chronic Fatigue that is compromising our immune systems - much the same way as people who have leukemia suffer from persistent infections.....and maybe the Candida diet works so well because it is a fantastic diet for our immune system.......
I do know that for the last few weeks I have felt really good mentally and I was even able to get out in the garden for an hour before hitting the 'physical wall'.
I also know that for the last few days I have felt like crap - my parasthesias have returned, my energy has plummeted, I have had leg spasms for the last 3 nights, my jaw has seized again and all other symptoms are returning with a vengeance...... Unfortunately this relapse/flare-uphas co-incided with three events;
1) A stressful week - Our son had a follow-up kidney scan that was not as good as we had hoped for. He also has another ear infection and has been up screaming for 4 nights and My nanny was sick for two days last week. Me stuck with 4 young kids with no help and no ability to work.....very dodgy!
2) Physical work - Having to look after the kids meant that I had to push myself physically. So much so that by the end of our 'playgroup' I physically could not stand and I had to get a friend to drive us all home. That was an eye opener!
3) Cheating - It would be fair to say that I had cheated a bit at the beginning of the week too. Ummm actually a lot. In-fact we had two days where fish and chips, homemade bread rolls and Kate's yummy biscuits featured highly among the salads, walnuts and scrambled eggs!
So it is back to the drawing board and I am now noting every food into the diary.....sheesh!
Phil is also feeling like crap - but I think that it it more to do with the 4 nights of non-sleep. Between our son and me the poor darling doesn't get a wink either. He has got a week off work next week, boy are we looking forward to that!
Needless to say the liver flush has been put off again :o) (tee hee)
See ya next week
Monday, June 28
Monday, June 21
The Candida Diet - Week 9
Thank goodness for apples and Woolworths!
Apples are right in season here at the moment and thank goodness! After last weeks tirade against my not so tasty lettuce someone mentioned that I try adding apples to the mix and Bingo! My salads now taste half decent again - Yay!
Actually, come to mention it, add some apple to your cottage cheese and feel that flavor explode. Sprinkle some cinnamon on it for another variation Yum!
The second thank goodness is for Woolworths - the 'other' local supermarket who has started stocking our favorite Dovedale bread.
Ahhh, kosher bread toasted and topped with cottage cheese, apple and cinnamon - with a handful of our nutty, seedy, dried berry mix as a chaser - bliss :o)
Anti fungals for the week are back to Garlic and Grape Seed Extract
Our fibre shake is still flaxseed based.
Other supplements include;
HMD - my heavy metal detox concoction
A liquid multi mineral
Vitamin C - buffered
Vit B complex
Flaxseed Oil - for our omegas
After last week Phil did go back on the Candida diet very strictly and guess what? No more white film on his tongue! He's a much happier camper now!
I have lost another kilo - putting me right on my goal weight - yippee!
(not bad - 8kg lost without any exercise!)
A very good week,
See ya!
Looking for a cure for your Candida infection? Head over to www.thebestcandidacures.com
Apples are right in season here at the moment and thank goodness! After last weeks tirade against my not so tasty lettuce someone mentioned that I try adding apples to the mix and Bingo! My salads now taste half decent again - Yay!
Actually, come to mention it, add some apple to your cottage cheese and feel that flavor explode. Sprinkle some cinnamon on it for another variation Yum!
The second thank goodness is for Woolworths - the 'other' local supermarket who has started stocking our favorite Dovedale bread.
Ahhh, kosher bread toasted and topped with cottage cheese, apple and cinnamon - with a handful of our nutty, seedy, dried berry mix as a chaser - bliss :o)
Anti fungals for the week are back to Garlic and Grape Seed Extract
Our fibre shake is still flaxseed based.
Other supplements include;
HMD - my heavy metal detox concoction
A liquid multi mineral
Vitamin C - buffered
Vit B complex
Flaxseed Oil - for our omegas
After last week Phil did go back on the Candida diet very strictly and guess what? No more white film on his tongue! He's a much happier camper now!
I have lost another kilo - putting me right on my goal weight - yippee!
(not bad - 8kg lost without any exercise!)
A very good week,
See ya!
Looking for a cure for your Candida infection? Head over to www.thebestcandidacures.com
Monday, June 14
How To Cure Candida - Week 8
I have officially had enough of salads!
It's not that I don't like them usually - its just that we are well into winter here and all the yummy types of lettuce greens are long gone or hellishly expensive, which just leaves us with good old 'iceberg'.
Now Iceberg is great with a variety of accompanying foods - like cheese, red peppers, tomatoes, hang - anything that has a modicum of taste. Unfortunately everything that has a modicum of taste is either out of season or not allowed......
Oh, well, thank goodness for stir fries and soup.
Also this week my local friendly supermarket stopped stocking our one kosher treat - yummy rice bread - you remember - the stuff that is terrible raw but divine toasted! Honestly I could eat a whole toasted loaf in one sitting YUM!
Well, apparently we must be the only ones who think so, because no more deliveries boo hoo.
I wonder if I can find a supplier online........
Anyway - not much to say for this week.
Phil has had a shocker - there have been treats provided for him at every turn and he has had a right knees up! The interesting thing is that he has come back down to earth with a crash.
He has always had a really white tongue, but for the last three weeks it has been clear, a fact that he was really rapped with. Well, this morning he looked in the mirror and 'hello' a big thick white layer of icky!
Talk about gutted!
So Phil has decided that maybe he should keep on with at least most of the program......bless :o)
See ya
I have officially had enough of salads!
It's not that I don't like them usually - its just that we are well into winter here and all the yummy types of lettuce greens are long gone or hellishly expensive, which just leaves us with good old 'iceberg'.
Now Iceberg is great with a variety of accompanying foods - like cheese, red peppers, tomatoes, hang - anything that has a modicum of taste. Unfortunately everything that has a modicum of taste is either out of season or not allowed......
Oh, well, thank goodness for stir fries and soup.
Also this week my local friendly supermarket stopped stocking our one kosher treat - yummy rice bread - you remember - the stuff that is terrible raw but divine toasted! Honestly I could eat a whole toasted loaf in one sitting YUM!
Well, apparently we must be the only ones who think so, because no more deliveries boo hoo.
I wonder if I can find a supplier online........
Anyway - not much to say for this week.
Phil has had a shocker - there have been treats provided for him at every turn and he has had a right knees up! The interesting thing is that he has come back down to earth with a crash.
He has always had a really white tongue, but for the last three weeks it has been clear, a fact that he was really rapped with. Well, this morning he looked in the mirror and 'hello' a big thick white layer of icky!
Talk about gutted!
So Phil has decided that maybe he should keep on with at least most of the program......bless :o)
See ya
Monday, June 7
How To Cure Candida - Week 7
This week I have learned that coffee = indigestion - DRAT!!!!!
The 'Strange but true' discovery of the week is that if I do not keep up with my 2.5 liters of water a day then my heavy metal detox stuff will make sure that I sweat out my toxins!
Phil has discovered that maybe he shouldn't be drinking bourbon as his once a week treat - either that or maybe he should leave the coke out!
Last week I though that there may have been a link between my leg spasms and my sugar intake, but having had no sugar or any other cheat food all week my legs decided to go off all by themselves.....double drat!
On a good note, Phil is holding his weight and I have dropped another kilo - very happy with this ;o)
So at week 7 what are we eating?
Just the same -
Phil has upped his carbo food and now definitely includes potato, wholegrain pasta, brown rice etc in with his meals.
We have found a muesli which meets all our requirements so this has replaced the scrambled egg breakfast.
Our anti-fungal regime is still in rotation. This week we are on garlic and colloidal silver.
We have a nettle tea or two during the day to help flush the kidneys.
I know that we were supposed to do a liver flush this week - but we had an eventful Friday, so decided to flag it this week. Also, our young son is still not sleeping through the night, so we are really hesitant to do one until we know that we will get at least 5 hours sleep!
The 'Strange but true' discovery of the week is that if I do not keep up with my 2.5 liters of water a day then my heavy metal detox stuff will make sure that I sweat out my toxins!
Phil has discovered that maybe he shouldn't be drinking bourbon as his once a week treat - either that or maybe he should leave the coke out!
Last week I though that there may have been a link between my leg spasms and my sugar intake, but having had no sugar or any other cheat food all week my legs decided to go off all by themselves.....double drat!
On a good note, Phil is holding his weight and I have dropped another kilo - very happy with this ;o)
So at week 7 what are we eating?
Just the same -
- stirfries,
- salads,
- soups,
- fruit - pears, kiwi, berries, apples, bananas
- eggs
- seeds and nuts (watch for the mold on the walnuts - yuck!)
- rice crackers - with or without hummus, cottage cheese or salmon/tuna
Phil has upped his carbo food and now definitely includes potato, wholegrain pasta, brown rice etc in with his meals.
We have found a muesli which meets all our requirements so this has replaced the scrambled egg breakfast.
Our anti-fungal regime is still in rotation. This week we are on garlic and colloidal silver.
We have a nettle tea or two during the day to help flush the kidneys.
I know that we were supposed to do a liver flush this week - but we had an eventful Friday, so decided to flag it this week. Also, our young son is still not sleeping through the night, so we are really hesitant to do one until we know that we will get at least 5 hours sleep!
Monday, May 31
How To Cure Candida - Week 6
I think that we may finally be seeing a bit of a pattern here....
While we have still been largely sticking to the diet I have been a bit curious as to why I have been able to cheat occasionally with many different foods without noticing any immediate reaction. There was only the cheesecake at Mom's in that first couple of weeks which really sent my heart rate through the roof that has been an instantly noticeable difference.
I have added more yogurt, more cottage cheese, more whole grains, more potatoes, tomatoes..... just to try and get some discernible reaction from any food group and nothing.... nada.
I guess I had just decided that there was so much mental fog and fatigue going on normally that I probably wouldn't notice much of a reaction if I did have one! So on we battle.
Except I think that I may have found a link between my sugar intake and my leg spasms.
It is only a theory at the moment - but when I go back through my diary, the last two episodes of spasms have happened after a sugar rush - remember the cheesecake? That night was the start of a 4 night episode.
And then Phil and I went out for dinner on Friday - and we really weren't too naughty - except for the 2 bourbon and cokes before dinner and the hot chocolate at the end of the night.
That night was the worst bought of spasms that I have ever had - I ended up taking 60mg of Baclofen during night and it was barely touching the pain.
It has taken another couple of nights to settle down.
Now, there may be a direct link between them, there may not - you'd understand my reluctance to eat a cup of sugar to get a definitive link - but maybe in a week or two I'll try having something slightly sweet again - just to test it.
The other interesting thing is that my cystic acne has started returning and the only thing that I can put that down to is the increased amount of yogurt that I am eating - so I'll knock that back and see how we go there too!
We haven't done the liver flush yet - gathering the courage for this Friday night - will let you know how we get on!
See ya
While we have still been largely sticking to the diet I have been a bit curious as to why I have been able to cheat occasionally with many different foods without noticing any immediate reaction. There was only the cheesecake at Mom's in that first couple of weeks which really sent my heart rate through the roof that has been an instantly noticeable difference.
I have added more yogurt, more cottage cheese, more whole grains, more potatoes, tomatoes..... just to try and get some discernible reaction from any food group and nothing.... nada.
I guess I had just decided that there was so much mental fog and fatigue going on normally that I probably wouldn't notice much of a reaction if I did have one! So on we battle.
Except I think that I may have found a link between my sugar intake and my leg spasms.
It is only a theory at the moment - but when I go back through my diary, the last two episodes of spasms have happened after a sugar rush - remember the cheesecake? That night was the start of a 4 night episode.
And then Phil and I went out for dinner on Friday - and we really weren't too naughty - except for the 2 bourbon and cokes before dinner and the hot chocolate at the end of the night.
That night was the worst bought of spasms that I have ever had - I ended up taking 60mg of Baclofen during night and it was barely touching the pain.
It has taken another couple of nights to settle down.
Now, there may be a direct link between them, there may not - you'd understand my reluctance to eat a cup of sugar to get a definitive link - but maybe in a week or two I'll try having something slightly sweet again - just to test it.
The other interesting thing is that my cystic acne has started returning and the only thing that I can put that down to is the increased amount of yogurt that I am eating - so I'll knock that back and see how we go there too!
We haven't done the liver flush yet - gathering the courage for this Friday night - will let you know how we get on!
See ya
The How to Cure Candida Experiment - Diagnosis?
We are finally on the right track!
.... Ok, let's back up a bit.
(See my first post for my symptoms)
My regular neurologist has me down as suffering from BCS or benign cramping syndrome - which didn't go anywhere near explaining everything else that goes on - and meant that he was able to pop me in the 'completed' file and just prescribe stronger and stronger drugs without worrying whether they were actually working or not.
After two years of dealing with this attitude 2 weeks ago I found another neurologist who was fantastic, absolutely 'got' what I was on about and came to the conclusion within 5 minutes that this was not just a BCS, but something that affected my whole central nervous system. It could be viral, metabolic or something else - they just didn't know at this stage.
He even went and got his radiologist to re-check my MRI's for lesions. Awesome service!
So definitely not MS (whew) but something similar, which puts me into the "we don't know, but we do acknowledge that there is something wrong" category called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
That's OK - at least we are finally on the right path.....
.... Ok, let's back up a bit.
(See my first post for my symptoms)
My regular neurologist has me down as suffering from BCS or benign cramping syndrome - which didn't go anywhere near explaining everything else that goes on - and meant that he was able to pop me in the 'completed' file and just prescribe stronger and stronger drugs without worrying whether they were actually working or not.
After two years of dealing with this attitude 2 weeks ago I found another neurologist who was fantastic, absolutely 'got' what I was on about and came to the conclusion within 5 minutes that this was not just a BCS, but something that affected my whole central nervous system. It could be viral, metabolic or something else - they just didn't know at this stage.
He even went and got his radiologist to re-check my MRI's for lesions. Awesome service!
So definitely not MS (whew) but something similar, which puts me into the "we don't know, but we do acknowledge that there is something wrong" category called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
That's OK - at least we are finally on the right path.....
Monday, May 24
How To Cure Candida - Week 5
Well, another week has gone by and along with it another kilo of weight has dropped off - Phil anyway. I seem to just be hangin around the 68kg mark, so I guess this is where I'll stay for now.
We have run out of our pre-mixed kidney cleanse potion, so have resorted to nettle tea - which actually doesn't taste so bad - and a heck of a lot cheaper too!
We have also been on a pre-mixed 'liver support' brew but are seriously beginning to contemplate jumping in and doing a total liver flush - as prescribed in the course. Although I have to admit, it does sound awfully scary! I think that maybe we'll wait for the weekend before doing it.
Other than that, things are ticking along nicely.
The Candida diet is well and truly entrenched in our routine and the hardest part now is remembering which anti-fungal we are up to and which we were supposed to take for morning teas vs the ones for afternoon tea!
We are still allowing for a bit of a diet 'blow out' now and then, but Phil reckons that one of his intolerance foods has to be fish and chips 'cause he feels like crap after eating them! Darn it!
Having got through stage one OK, I'm also finding it interesting to see what meals I can cook for the whole family that Phil and I can comfortably eat, but that will also give the kids the same food energy levels that they need - oh and that don't cost a packet too!
I though that I should mention at this point that the team at How To Cure Candida have been really great to deal with.
Part of our basic package was one month free consultation and we made good use of that. But every question was answered quickly, personally and in a really friendly manner so a big thumbs up to Ryan, Jessica and Dean there!
That's it for now, See ya
We have run out of our pre-mixed kidney cleanse potion, so have resorted to nettle tea - which actually doesn't taste so bad - and a heck of a lot cheaper too!
We have also been on a pre-mixed 'liver support' brew but are seriously beginning to contemplate jumping in and doing a total liver flush - as prescribed in the course. Although I have to admit, it does sound awfully scary! I think that maybe we'll wait for the weekend before doing it.
Other than that, things are ticking along nicely.
The Candida diet is well and truly entrenched in our routine and the hardest part now is remembering which anti-fungal we are up to and which we were supposed to take for morning teas vs the ones for afternoon tea!
We are still allowing for a bit of a diet 'blow out' now and then, but Phil reckons that one of his intolerance foods has to be fish and chips 'cause he feels like crap after eating them! Darn it!
Having got through stage one OK, I'm also finding it interesting to see what meals I can cook for the whole family that Phil and I can comfortably eat, but that will also give the kids the same food energy levels that they need - oh and that don't cost a packet too!
I though that I should mention at this point that the team at How To Cure Candida have been really great to deal with.
Part of our basic package was one month free consultation and we made good use of that. But every question was answered quickly, personally and in a really friendly manner so a big thumbs up to Ryan, Jessica and Dean there!
That's it for now, See ya
Thursday, May 20
How To Cure Candida - Health Check
Hey Guys,
Well, I thought that at this stage I should stop and do a bit of a health check seeing as that is the whole reason for doing this eh!
So when we began 4 weeks ago I was having major problems with my central nervous system and according to a hair analysis I had heavy metal poisoning (see my first post for more details).
All testing had come back clear as far as stuff like MS, ALS, thyroid problems yada yada.....same ol' story.
I was also suffering with all sorts of infections ranging from your stack standard oral and 'down there' yeast infections as well as some pretty nasty looking sores on my face - less like pimples and more like cold-sores.
Oh - and I was 7kg overweight. Not huge, I know, but not great either. (I think that that is about 15lb or something)
So 4 weeks into this How to Cure Candida program how am I doing?
The neurological stuff remains - no surprise there. I said at the start that I wasn't expecting miracles, well, not this soon anyway ;o)
But... I haven't had an itch, scratch , fuzz or burn for close to two weeks now which is a massive improvement.
And....my face is looking awesome - not even the hint of a cyst during 'that' time of the month and other wounds that I get are beginning to heal quickly and cleanly as well. (my camera memory card is full at the mo but I'll take some pics shortly!)
And the Best Part..... I am down to my ideal weight and am holding steady - which means that I can now wear anything in my wardrobe. To be able to say that after 5 years, 4 kids and all this medical crap going on feels just so good.
So my verdict on the How to Cure Candida system after 4 weeks?
Definitely a major lifestyle improvement
It'll be interesting to see what happens once we have finished the first parasite cleanse and when the kidney and liver cleanses have had a chance to kick in!
See ya
Well, I thought that at this stage I should stop and do a bit of a health check seeing as that is the whole reason for doing this eh!
So when we began 4 weeks ago I was having major problems with my central nervous system and according to a hair analysis I had heavy metal poisoning (see my first post for more details).
All testing had come back clear as far as stuff like MS, ALS, thyroid problems yada yada.....same ol' story.
I was also suffering with all sorts of infections ranging from your stack standard oral and 'down there' yeast infections as well as some pretty nasty looking sores on my face - less like pimples and more like cold-sores.
Oh - and I was 7kg overweight. Not huge, I know, but not great either. (I think that that is about 15lb or something)
So 4 weeks into this How to Cure Candida program how am I doing?
The neurological stuff remains - no surprise there. I said at the start that I wasn't expecting miracles, well, not this soon anyway ;o)
But... I haven't had an itch, scratch , fuzz or burn for close to two weeks now which is a massive improvement.
And....my face is looking awesome - not even the hint of a cyst during 'that' time of the month and other wounds that I get are beginning to heal quickly and cleanly as well. (my camera memory card is full at the mo but I'll take some pics shortly!)
And the Best Part..... I am down to my ideal weight and am holding steady - which means that I can now wear anything in my wardrobe. To be able to say that after 5 years, 4 kids and all this medical crap going on feels just so good.
So my verdict on the How to Cure Candida system after 4 weeks?
Definitely a major lifestyle improvement
It'll be interesting to see what happens once we have finished the first parasite cleanse and when the kidney and liver cleanses have had a chance to kick in!
See ya
Tuesday, May 18
How To Cure Candida - Week 4
Sorry, a day late today but I had a good excuse - honestly!
(I'll tell you about it later!)
Anyhow, week 4 of our How To Cure Candida Experiment.
Oh, week 4.......
Boy we were looking forward to this..... The end of the elimination diet, the start of getting back to 'normal'.....starting to eat real food again.....
So this was our grand plan for reintroducing foods back;
I was going to start with some whole-grains - maybe porridge for breakfast, brown rice to go into the stir fries.
Potatoes would start to accompany the salads,
low sugar fruits
yada yada yada.....
This is our new and improved plan for reintroducing foods back;
Ummm, actually, we don't have one.
That's right.
We don't have a plan for reintroducing foods to our diet I guess because we don't actually feel that we need to. Every new food is considered carefully but it is added because we want it, not just because we think that we 'need' it and it is usually a one serving wonder.
I have to admit, we are probably a little more relaxed over how many rice crackers and pieces of 'kosher' toast that we are having and hummus has been a permanent addition - but then that was always allowed!
Our stir fries now include carrot and we are having a piece of fruit a day whether it be apple or pear simply because that is what we feel like at that time.
So I guess it is fair to say that we have settled into this diet nicely and will be making it a permanent thing. We feel pretty good and are still losing weight on it. But we have also worked out that just by eating more of these foods or just by adding a few whole grains we can slow that weight loss down.
It is great to be at the point that we have the freedom to eat as much healthy stuff as we want but to also know that we can add other foods when we like as well.
For example, we went out for the day yesterday and were able to find place in the food court that did awesome salads. Great.
When it came time for dinner we had a celebration meal of steak, salad and chips. Complete with ketchup and aoili. Dang it tasted good! We didn't feel any worse afterward (maybe a little fuller than usual!)
But the best part was that we didn't feel that we needed to go back to eating that sort of meal every night either. It was a treat and will remain a treat. Cool!
The other milestone that we have reached at the 4 week mark is the start of our parasite, kidney and liver cleanses.
We have gone down the easy path here and just got pre-concocted liquid formulas for each. Way easier!
So our list of supplements include;
As for why I was a day late....well, I was seeing a different neurologist - A 12 hour return drive away! But I'll have to fill you in on that one later....
(I'll tell you about it later!)
Anyhow, week 4 of our How To Cure Candida Experiment.
Oh, week 4.......
Boy we were looking forward to this..... The end of the elimination diet, the start of getting back to 'normal'.....starting to eat real food again.....
So this was our grand plan for reintroducing foods back;
I was going to start with some whole-grains - maybe porridge for breakfast, brown rice to go into the stir fries.
Potatoes would start to accompany the salads,
low sugar fruits
yada yada yada.....
This is our new and improved plan for reintroducing foods back;
Ummm, actually, we don't have one.
That's right.
We don't have a plan for reintroducing foods to our diet I guess because we don't actually feel that we need to. Every new food is considered carefully but it is added because we want it, not just because we think that we 'need' it and it is usually a one serving wonder.
I have to admit, we are probably a little more relaxed over how many rice crackers and pieces of 'kosher' toast that we are having and hummus has been a permanent addition - but then that was always allowed!
Our stir fries now include carrot and we are having a piece of fruit a day whether it be apple or pear simply because that is what we feel like at that time.
So I guess it is fair to say that we have settled into this diet nicely and will be making it a permanent thing. We feel pretty good and are still losing weight on it. But we have also worked out that just by eating more of these foods or just by adding a few whole grains we can slow that weight loss down.
It is great to be at the point that we have the freedom to eat as much healthy stuff as we want but to also know that we can add other foods when we like as well.
For example, we went out for the day yesterday and were able to find place in the food court that did awesome salads. Great.
When it came time for dinner we had a celebration meal of steak, salad and chips. Complete with ketchup and aoili. Dang it tasted good! We didn't feel any worse afterward (maybe a little fuller than usual!)
But the best part was that we didn't feel that we needed to go back to eating that sort of meal every night either. It was a treat and will remain a treat. Cool!
The other milestone that we have reached at the 4 week mark is the start of our parasite, kidney and liver cleanses.
We have gone down the easy path here and just got pre-concocted liquid formulas for each. Way easier!
So our list of supplements include;
- Multi-minerals
- Vitamin C
- Probiotics
- Fiber shakes
- Antifungals - for this week our anti fungal remedies are garlic and oregano oil.
- Enzymes - a homemade kiwifruit, boysenberry and lemon juice mix.
- Omega oil blend
- Heavy Metal Detox
- Parasite Cleanse
- Kidney support
- Liver Cleanse
As for why I was a day late....well, I was seeing a different neurologist - A 12 hour return drive away! But I'll have to fill you in on that one later....
Monday, May 10
The How To Cure Candida Experiment - Week 3
Only one more week to go before we can start back on some real foods!
I have already begun stocking up on a few whole grain items to boost the meals up.
I did look at buying some specialty whole grains like amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat - but boy oh boy...I think we will just 'tai hoa' on them for a while - I don't know what their price is in other parts of the world, but down here they are about ten times more expensive than regular stuff - so we will just stick to regular brown rice, whole grain pasta, chickpeas and lentils ;o)
Our diet is still the same - scrambled eggs, stir fry/salad rotation but we managed to knock off one of our 'pets' last weekend so have added lean lamb to the fish and chicken 'sides'.
(Don't look now, but we may just about have a menu to choose from!)
Our antifungals for the week are; Pau D' Arco Tea and Olive Leaf extract
We dumped the psyllium enzyme fibre shake as soon as the container was finished - super yeuck that one - we were both spending all day picking pieces of husk out of our mouths!
Our new fibre shake is just a straight flax seed one. We aren't going to worry about the enzyme portion for now. One of the foods that we will try next week will be kiwifruit and they are really high in digestive enzymes so that will be a nice change!
Find of the week;
Our find of the week has to be a bread that we got from the supermarket - it has no yeast, no gluten, no sugar, no wheat.......well, you get the picture! Raw it is absolutely gross, but toasted for about 6 minutes? Ahhhhh, bliss.
1 slice toasted with cottage cheese and cinnamon on (me) or salmon on (Phil) and we are set for the night! It is also darned fine with hummus on.
The best part is that it has 3 different flavors - rice, chia and raisin (I know no raisen bread....yet!)
Social Call;
We went to Phil's sisters over the weekend and had the forethought to do two things
We also had coffee group this week (something that Moms with preschoolers do down here) and the rice crackers were the stars again.
Only one more week to go before we can start back on some real foods!
I have already begun stocking up on a few whole grain items to boost the meals up.
I did look at buying some specialty whole grains like amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat - but boy oh boy...I think we will just 'tai hoa' on them for a while - I don't know what their price is in other parts of the world, but down here they are about ten times more expensive than regular stuff - so we will just stick to regular brown rice, whole grain pasta, chickpeas and lentils ;o)
Our diet is still the same - scrambled eggs, stir fry/salad rotation but we managed to knock off one of our 'pets' last weekend so have added lean lamb to the fish and chicken 'sides'.
(Don't look now, but we may just about have a menu to choose from!)
Our antifungals for the week are; Pau D' Arco Tea and Olive Leaf extract
We dumped the psyllium enzyme fibre shake as soon as the container was finished - super yeuck that one - we were both spending all day picking pieces of husk out of our mouths!
Our new fibre shake is just a straight flax seed one. We aren't going to worry about the enzyme portion for now. One of the foods that we will try next week will be kiwifruit and they are really high in digestive enzymes so that will be a nice change!
Find of the week;
Our find of the week has to be a bread that we got from the supermarket - it has no yeast, no gluten, no sugar, no wheat.......well, you get the picture! Raw it is absolutely gross, but toasted for about 6 minutes? Ahhhhh, bliss.
1 slice toasted with cottage cheese and cinnamon on (me) or salmon on (Phil) and we are set for the night! It is also darned fine with hummus on.
The best part is that it has 3 different flavors - rice, chia and raisin (I know no raisen bread....yet!)
Social Call;
We went to Phil's sisters over the weekend and had the forethought to do two things
- make it an afternoon tea visit (we ate a big lunch before we went) and
- take our own rice crackers and hummus.
- We didn't arrive empty handed,
- Everyone loved the rice crackers and hummus - we knew they would (just as well we bought two packets) and
- Phil's sister was relieved 'cause she knew that we were on some diet and didn't know what to offer us for food, so she had felt like a bad hostess for not offering anything!
We also had coffee group this week (something that Moms with preschoolers do down here) and the rice crackers were the stars again.
Monday, May 3
The How To Cure Candida Experiment - Week 2
Hey Guys
Yay! Half way through stage one of the Candida Diet......
So in week one we just got ourselves used to the Candida diet and in stage two we have started adding anti-fungals and fiber shakes to the process.
Candida Diet;
We are well into the swing of the diet and are managing to stick to it really well - in fact even our portion sizes are getting smaller. We are sticking to the stir fry/salad rotation for lunch and dinner, with two scrambled eggs each for breakfast.
We have a container full of mixed nuts and seeds with a small percentage of the oh-so-bad, but oh-so-make-the-nuts-digestible dried berries for when we get really grotty!
At supper we have a rice wafer with cottage cheese and a sprinkling of cinnamon and a handful of said nut mix.
Our supplements for the week;
On Saturday night we went to my Moms place - bless her, she know that we are on this Candida diet, and boy did she make an effort for the dinner. Lean fillet steak, veges that were so tasty with the only hint of starch or extra carbo being the kumara...yum!
And then it happened, just as we were settled back chillaxing with the kids, out comes the cup of tea and baked berry cheesecake!
Whataya do? Of course we ate it!
I tell you what though - about 5 minutes after eating my heart rate went through the roof and I am pretty sure that I'm not supposed to be eating that much sugar in one hit just yet!
Oh well, lesson learned - moving on.....
"Hell yuck!" For the week has to be psyllium husks.
God, you spend all day getting the suckers out of your teeth, gums, tonsils and cheeks! I can't wait for this bottle to be finished so we can maybe move onto Flaxseed or something a little less offensive at 5am.
As far as die off symptoms from the Candida diet?
Me - indigestion, bloating. But these only lasted maybe 3 days. Oh and a sore back up around the right kidney - lasted a few days but is fine now.
Phil - not so bad this week he's just recovering from the cold that he got last week.
I don't know if this is a die off symptom or what, but both Phil and I got really bizarre dreams for a couple of nights about a week into the diet.......don't know the significance there - weird :o)
Yay! Half way through stage one of the Candida Diet......
So in week one we just got ourselves used to the Candida diet and in stage two we have started adding anti-fungals and fiber shakes to the process.
Candida Diet;
We are well into the swing of the diet and are managing to stick to it really well - in fact even our portion sizes are getting smaller. We are sticking to the stir fry/salad rotation for lunch and dinner, with two scrambled eggs each for breakfast.
We have a container full of mixed nuts and seeds with a small percentage of the oh-so-bad, but oh-so-make-the-nuts-digestible dried berries for when we get really grotty!
At supper we have a rice wafer with cottage cheese and a sprinkling of cinnamon and a handful of said nut mix.
Our supplements for the week;
- Our anti-fungals for the week are garlic and grape seed extract
- We started taking probiotics
- Our fiber shake is a psyllium enzyme mix
- Because of my high hair analysis reading I have started on my Heavy Metal Detox using a prepared solution of chlorella and cilantro (actually it was recommended by my naturopath)
On Saturday night we went to my Moms place - bless her, she know that we are on this Candida diet, and boy did she make an effort for the dinner. Lean fillet steak, veges that were so tasty with the only hint of starch or extra carbo being the kumara...yum!
And then it happened, just as we were settled back chillaxing with the kids, out comes the cup of tea and baked berry cheesecake!
Whataya do? Of course we ate it!
I tell you what though - about 5 minutes after eating my heart rate went through the roof and I am pretty sure that I'm not supposed to be eating that much sugar in one hit just yet!
Oh well, lesson learned - moving on.....
"Hell yuck!" For the week has to be psyllium husks.
God, you spend all day getting the suckers out of your teeth, gums, tonsils and cheeks! I can't wait for this bottle to be finished so we can maybe move onto Flaxseed or something a little less offensive at 5am.
As far as die off symptoms from the Candida diet?
Me - indigestion, bloating. But these only lasted maybe 3 days. Oh and a sore back up around the right kidney - lasted a few days but is fine now.
Phil - not so bad this week he's just recovering from the cold that he got last week.
I don't know if this is a die off symptom or what, but both Phil and I got really bizarre dreams for a couple of nights about a week into the diet.......don't know the significance there - weird :o)
- Both Phil and I have noticed that our sense of taste is returning. Cottage cheese actually tastes cheesy!
- My acne has noticeably cleared and I didn't have a massive premenstrual flare up this month either!
- Phil has always had a large patch of bumpy skin on the backs of his arms - it felt like sandpaper. Well, overnight it disappeared.
- We have both lost another kg this week - Which seems to have settled to a steady kilogram a week - all good!
Thursday, April 29
How To Cure Candida Update
So, we've started into week 2 already - wow!
The first week was actually way easier than I thought......When I first looked at all the foods that we couldn't eat my head span for a while. But we got it sorted and are well into the swing of it!
But this week we are into the fiber shakes and anti-fungals, I'll tell you more about that in my regular post but I thought that I'd give a shout out to hubby Phil and share a story.....
You may, or may not, know that hubby Phil is also doing this with me.
His Candida spit test was fairly marginal so he thought that he would do the shorter version - ie 2 weeks on stage one of the diet etc etc.
Now Phil is a blue collar worker - he works in a quarry and drives really big machines - we joke that he gets to play in his sandpit all day! Anyway the poor man has been going to work with his left over stir fry or salad, an egg and little container of nuts and seeds for the last week. Instead of hoeing into the usual mug or two of coffee he quietly sips his water.
Apart from the casual joke his workmates have been fine. Bless 'em!
But poor Phil did come home the other day and head straight for the rice crackers because ... wait for it .... someone at work had had a birthday shout and there were sausage rolls, chocolate cupcakes and chippies galore.
Do you know what the long suffering dear did?
Nope, not a darned thing. He sat at the smoko table with his egg and anti-fungal tea and watch the others scoff the lot! Now I know what you are thinking and you are dead wrong. You and I would probably have at least sneaked a cupcake or something right and maybe just kept quiet.
But not Phil. He has two qualities that are remarkably good at times and remarkably frustrating at times;
1) He has a bucket-load of pride and stubbornness - even if he wanted to he would not have forgiven himself!
2) He doesn't know how to lie even remotely convincingly!
Then to top it off, he came home and announced that he would be doing the 4 weeks of stage one with me!
What a gem!
See ya
The first week was actually way easier than I thought......When I first looked at all the foods that we couldn't eat my head span for a while. But we got it sorted and are well into the swing of it!
But this week we are into the fiber shakes and anti-fungals, I'll tell you more about that in my regular post but I thought that I'd give a shout out to hubby Phil and share a story.....
You may, or may not, know that hubby Phil is also doing this with me.
His Candida spit test was fairly marginal so he thought that he would do the shorter version - ie 2 weeks on stage one of the diet etc etc.
Now Phil is a blue collar worker - he works in a quarry and drives really big machines - we joke that he gets to play in his sandpit all day! Anyway the poor man has been going to work with his left over stir fry or salad, an egg and little container of nuts and seeds for the last week. Instead of hoeing into the usual mug or two of coffee he quietly sips his water.
Apart from the casual joke his workmates have been fine. Bless 'em!
But poor Phil did come home the other day and head straight for the rice crackers because ... wait for it .... someone at work had had a birthday shout and there were sausage rolls, chocolate cupcakes and chippies galore.
Do you know what the long suffering dear did?
Nope, not a darned thing. He sat at the smoko table with his egg and anti-fungal tea and watch the others scoff the lot! Now I know what you are thinking and you are dead wrong. You and I would probably have at least sneaked a cupcake or something right and maybe just kept quiet.
But not Phil. He has two qualities that are remarkably good at times and remarkably frustrating at times;
1) He has a bucket-load of pride and stubbornness - even if he wanted to he would not have forgiven himself!
2) He doesn't know how to lie even remotely convincingly!
Then to top it off, he came home and announced that he would be doing the 4 weeks of stage one with me!
What a gem!
See ya
Tuesday, April 27
The How To Cure Candida Experiment - Week 1
It's the end of week one so we can both give ourselves a bit of a pat on the back I think!
One week of no sugar, carbos, yeast blah blah, as a bread addict I never thought I'd say that!
The kids have stopped asking 'why Mummy and Daddy having that?' as we sit down with our chicken salad (again) while they are eating their lasagna and both Phil and I have fought hard against even licking the spoon after dishing up their sweetened fruit yogurt and bananas for dessert.
We have pretty much kept to the diet that was in the last post - except for Friday night when a couple of friends surprised us with fish and chips for dinner as a thank you for looking after their kids!
Whatayado? - Really did we mention that we were not going to lose friends over this? Of course we ate them. If one meal consisting of high fat, high carbo (but oh so yummy) greasies is going to completely restock the fungus then bring it on!
Besides it could have been worse - we could have had icecream as well!
I have read posts elsewhere that suggest that maybe we should be starting all over everytime that we eat something 'illegal'. I disagree and figure that an indiscretion here and there over the course of 4 weeks won't impact one bit - and if we have to go for another day or two, then so be it!
The lovely girl that helps me to look after my kids made chocolate chip cookies with them yesterday - and I think that I am getting used to this because I was quite happy to enjoy the smell, knowing that they really wouldn't taste as good as I imagined - a bit like KFC.
(Isn't it funny the mind games we play on ourselves?)
As for Candida Die Off symptoms?
This is going to sound weird or like I'm some sort of hypochondriac, but I am struggling to notice any that shine through my normal 'discomforts'. I have had a nagging headache for a day and my glands have come up but at least the salty taste has gone! phew!
On the other hand Phil has a full on snot issue at the moment - not really a cold, just snotty and headachy.
We are both a whole heap more tired than usual too - even House couldn't keep us awake - now that has got to be on the top of the list for inconvenient die off symptoms!
On a good note; In one week I have lost 2kg and Phil has lost 1.5kg
(I think that is about 4.5lb and 3.4lb)
Next week we get to start the Ant-fungal stuff and fiber shake.....
See ya
It's the end of week one so we can both give ourselves a bit of a pat on the back I think!
One week of no sugar, carbos, yeast blah blah, as a bread addict I never thought I'd say that!
The kids have stopped asking 'why Mummy and Daddy having that?' as we sit down with our chicken salad (again) while they are eating their lasagna and both Phil and I have fought hard against even licking the spoon after dishing up their sweetened fruit yogurt and bananas for dessert.
We have pretty much kept to the diet that was in the last post - except for Friday night when a couple of friends surprised us with fish and chips for dinner as a thank you for looking after their kids!
Whatayado? - Really did we mention that we were not going to lose friends over this? Of course we ate them. If one meal consisting of high fat, high carbo (but oh so yummy) greasies is going to completely restock the fungus then bring it on!
Besides it could have been worse - we could have had icecream as well!
I have read posts elsewhere that suggest that maybe we should be starting all over everytime that we eat something 'illegal'. I disagree and figure that an indiscretion here and there over the course of 4 weeks won't impact one bit - and if we have to go for another day or two, then so be it!
The lovely girl that helps me to look after my kids made chocolate chip cookies with them yesterday - and I think that I am getting used to this because I was quite happy to enjoy the smell, knowing that they really wouldn't taste as good as I imagined - a bit like KFC.
(Isn't it funny the mind games we play on ourselves?)
As for Candida Die Off symptoms?
This is going to sound weird or like I'm some sort of hypochondriac, but I am struggling to notice any that shine through my normal 'discomforts'. I have had a nagging headache for a day and my glands have come up but at least the salty taste has gone! phew!
On the other hand Phil has a full on snot issue at the moment - not really a cold, just snotty and headachy.
We are both a whole heap more tired than usual too - even House couldn't keep us awake - now that has got to be on the top of the list for inconvenient die off symptoms!
On a good note; In one week I have lost 2kg and Phil has lost 1.5kg
(I think that is about 4.5lb and 3.4lb)
Next week we get to start the Ant-fungal stuff and fiber shake.....
See ya
Sunday, April 25
'The How To Cure Candida' Diet for Candida
So we are four days into this diet for Candida, apparently we hold off getting into the supplements until after the first week or so of the diet, which takes a bit of pressure off!
We think that we have cracked into some sort of routine with this diet for Candida that actually doesn't taste too bad - ish.
2 eggs each scrambled with water.
Waaayyy different from the cereal that we are used to, but surprisingly filling.
Either chicken/fish salad or vege stir fry.
Either chicken/fish salad or vege stir fry.
(Alternate dinner/lunch so whatever we don't have for lunch, we have for dinner.)
Snacks are a handful of nuts and seeds, if we are really hungry then we have cottage cheese in a rice wafer - edible if you sprinkle cinnamon on it!
We were quite prepared to cheat, but we set ourselves a rule. We only have something sugary if we really want it and after all other options have gone. (remember, we aren't even allowed fruit at this stage).
So four days in how do you think that we have done with this diet for Candida?
I can say with great pride that we are actually doing OK!
We are managing to keep it really practical, relatively within budget and super simple!
The first couple of days were really hard - like reeaaalllyy hard! But fortunately hubby is just as into this as me - if not more so - so we are managing to keep each other honest.
Last night we found that we didn't need anything else after our supper of nuts, but we have done a bit of a cheat and added some dried fruit to the mix just to make it more palatable!
I know, I know, that's really really bad yada yada, but hey, if we don't get results with this diet for Candida then we know where we can improve.
I have actually lost 1kg in these last few days - which feels darned good anyway :o)
And.... the big news ..... no more coffee for me! I drink coffee for the taste and having coffee without sugar was just awful, so we have moved onto.... wait for it Green tea with peppermint!
As for Candida die off symptoms from the diet for Candida?
Nothing too noticeable yet. We are both a bit less energetic, sleeping a little less well and both getting really weird dreams, but nothing that we can physically pinpoint as being different.
Oh, and I have a really weird taste in my mouth - like I have chicken stock or salt water permanently in my mouth.
Oh, well, moving on......
So we are four days into this diet for Candida, apparently we hold off getting into the supplements until after the first week or so of the diet, which takes a bit of pressure off!
We think that we have cracked into some sort of routine with this diet for Candida that actually doesn't taste too bad - ish.
2 eggs each scrambled with water.
Waaayyy different from the cereal that we are used to, but surprisingly filling.
Either chicken/fish salad or vege stir fry.
Either chicken/fish salad or vege stir fry.
(Alternate dinner/lunch so whatever we don't have for lunch, we have for dinner.)
Snacks are a handful of nuts and seeds, if we are really hungry then we have cottage cheese in a rice wafer - edible if you sprinkle cinnamon on it!
We were quite prepared to cheat, but we set ourselves a rule. We only have something sugary if we really want it and after all other options have gone. (remember, we aren't even allowed fruit at this stage).
So four days in how do you think that we have done with this diet for Candida?
I can say with great pride that we are actually doing OK!
We are managing to keep it really practical, relatively within budget and super simple!
The first couple of days were really hard - like reeaaalllyy hard! But fortunately hubby is just as into this as me - if not more so - so we are managing to keep each other honest.
Last night we found that we didn't need anything else after our supper of nuts, but we have done a bit of a cheat and added some dried fruit to the mix just to make it more palatable!
I know, I know, that's really really bad yada yada, but hey, if we don't get results with this diet for Candida then we know where we can improve.
I have actually lost 1kg in these last few days - which feels darned good anyway :o)
And.... the big news ..... no more coffee for me! I drink coffee for the taste and having coffee without sugar was just awful, so we have moved onto.... wait for it Green tea with peppermint!
As for Candida die off symptoms from the diet for Candida?
Nothing too noticeable yet. We are both a bit less energetic, sleeping a little less well and both getting really weird dreams, but nothing that we can physically pinpoint as being different.
Oh, and I have a really weird taste in my mouth - like I have chicken stock or salt water permanently in my mouth.
Oh, well, moving on......
Tuesday, April 20
How To Cure Candida Experiment - The Candida Diet
OK, so now we've downloaded the basic version of How To Cure Candida and it looks really good.
Well laid out and in easy to read language.
There is the 5 step protocol that they talk about in the sales page, but there are also earlier chapters dedicated to Candida, the good, the bad and the ugly.
There are chapters dedicated to different treatment options for Candida, cleansing and detoxing.
We start with the Candida Diet.
I guess the idea is to hit the fungus hard by starving it of all the stuff that it usually gets for free from our diet.
We have a couple of rules of our own before we begin the candida diet;
For the record, our current diet is usually pretty healthy, mostly meat, salad sensible carbo's. Sandwiches for lunch blah blah blah. So I thought that this should be a breeze.
Uh Uh.
It is easier to point out what we are allowed rather than say what we aren't allowed.
For the first two - four weeks on the Candida diet we are allowed; (I think that I've got this right...)
Coffee will be knocked back to two mugs a day. After that we will have white tea.
Here we go......
Well laid out and in easy to read language.
There is the 5 step protocol that they talk about in the sales page, but there are also earlier chapters dedicated to Candida, the good, the bad and the ugly.
There are chapters dedicated to different treatment options for Candida, cleansing and detoxing.
We start with the Candida Diet.
I guess the idea is to hit the fungus hard by starving it of all the stuff that it usually gets for free from our diet.
We have a couple of rules of our own before we begin the candida diet;
- It has to be practical
- It has to fit in our budget
- It has to be done in moderation - eg we will not make ourselves sick by not eating enough to keep up with our energy requirements.
- It has to taste OK - life is too short to hate the food you eat!
- Under no circumstance am I giving up at least one cup of white coffee a day!
For the record, our current diet is usually pretty healthy, mostly meat, salad sensible carbo's. Sandwiches for lunch blah blah blah. So I thought that this should be a breeze.
Uh Uh.
It is easier to point out what we are allowed rather than say what we aren't allowed.
For the first two - four weeks on the Candida diet we are allowed; (I think that I've got this right...)
- Green stuff - lettuce, kale, broccoli, peppers, silverbeet, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower. (I'm sure there are more, but we are being practical here).
- Onions,
- Garlic, Ginger, most other herbs, some spices.
- Eggs - in moderation
- Nuts and seeds - straight from the supermarket or health store. Raw nuts and seeds break the 'practical' rule. We don't have peanuts as per the Candida diet.
- Unsweetened natural yogurt complete with live cultures,
- Chicken and fish.
Coffee will be knocked back to two mugs a day. After that we will have white tea.
Here we go......
Monday, April 19
The 'How To Cure Candida' Experiment
Ok, so here we go.
I guess an introduction is in order;
My name is Sandy and I am a member of Gen X - which puts me nearer to 40 than 30.
I have 4 young children and a very tolerant husband.
I was a transport manager - anyone that has been there knows how onto it and organized you have to be. After my twins were born I started studying for a business degree and was an A Grade student. My husband and I were level 5 ballroom dancers.....well, you get it - I had a life
Then I got a couple of health issues....
Over the course of the last 2 years I have progressively begun to lose the use of my legs, my co-ordination and cognitive abilities are about half what they used to be. I get parasthesia in my face, legs and arms and to top it all off I have started suffering from repeat bouts of canker sores on my face and oral thrush. I frequently need someone to drive me because of my blurred vision, sensitivity to sunlight, vertigo and leg weakness.
(Bit of a mess eh?!)
I have spent thousands on my neurologist through the private system, I have had brain and spinal MRIs that are both clear and several EMG's which suggest nothing 'remarkable' although no-one seems to be able to pin point what the findings are!
I have also spent thousands on a naturopath (ND) who absolutely had the 'answer' every time that I saw him. The first time it was adrenal fatigue, the second was MS, the third was heavy metal poisoning.
All blood tests are fine, cortisol tests are normal for a Mom with 4 kids, my hair analysis was wacko with lead and antimony being through the roof and several others being much higher than 'normal'. I have had follow up bloods done for the heavy metal toxicity these are normal, so any contamination is not current.
My neuro has me pegged as a neurotic housewife and my naturo is pissed that I can't afford his treatment for the detox.
Meanwhile I am using a walking stick just to walk my daughter the 200m to school everyday and need someone to drive me long distances.
After doing a heap of research on Mr Google - as you do - and seeing all the drama that a systemic Candida infection could cause we decided that there could be no harm in undertaking a program to at least eliminate this and get the immune system somewhat functioning again.
I do not expect this to cure me - I should say that straight up. I am not entirely convinced that my problem lies with just a Candida overgrowth, but seeing as official testing is not showing anything I have nothing to lose. We will see what we are left with once I have finished the program.
Hubby is also doing this with me, partly to keep me company (bless him!) and partly to see how it would work for someone who was 'normal'.
We chose the How To Cure Candida program partly because of its sales page - very cool, partly because of the young team that run it but mostly because it also seemed to be the best all round cleansing program for not only Candida, but also parasites. It also contains a detox protocol which would help to chelate the metals out while making sure that the liver and kidneys were supported.
Why am I documenting this?
3 Reasons;
I reckon that I will see some improvement in my health as a result of following through with it. With the way my life is at the moment, any improvement would be fantastic - nothing like putting it into the public forum!
If this does work in more ways than I anticipate, then there are many people who need this information and that can stop paying thousands upon thousands of dollars for treatment that is either; not working, that gives an inconclusive result or getting the treatment from people that make them feel like utter crap.
I am an internet marketer, but I also like to think that I am an ethical marketer, so I guess this is a bit of a test to see how these magic eBooks actually work when it comes to curing health issues.
Just so we are all on the same page;
The product that I am using is How To Cure Candida,
It is a downloadable eBook by Dean Boukaras, Jessica Dale & Ryan Shea.
I only purchased the basic version at a cost of $39.95 (US).
Here we go, wish me luck!
This is the acne - YECK!
And me ol' walking stick....
Super Icky!
This was my spit test result within 10 minutes. A big pile of yuck on the bottom of the glass!
I guess an introduction is in order;
My name is Sandy and I am a member of Gen X - which puts me nearer to 40 than 30.
I have 4 young children and a very tolerant husband.
I was a transport manager - anyone that has been there knows how onto it and organized you have to be. After my twins were born I started studying for a business degree and was an A Grade student. My husband and I were level 5 ballroom dancers.....well, you get it - I had a life
Then I got a couple of health issues....
Over the course of the last 2 years I have progressively begun to lose the use of my legs, my co-ordination and cognitive abilities are about half what they used to be. I get parasthesia in my face, legs and arms and to top it all off I have started suffering from repeat bouts of canker sores on my face and oral thrush. I frequently need someone to drive me because of my blurred vision, sensitivity to sunlight, vertigo and leg weakness.
(Bit of a mess eh?!)
I have spent thousands on my neurologist through the private system, I have had brain and spinal MRIs that are both clear and several EMG's which suggest nothing 'remarkable' although no-one seems to be able to pin point what the findings are!
I have also spent thousands on a naturopath (ND) who absolutely had the 'answer' every time that I saw him. The first time it was adrenal fatigue, the second was MS, the third was heavy metal poisoning.
All blood tests are fine, cortisol tests are normal for a Mom with 4 kids, my hair analysis was wacko with lead and antimony being through the roof and several others being much higher than 'normal'. I have had follow up bloods done for the heavy metal toxicity these are normal, so any contamination is not current.
My neuro has me pegged as a neurotic housewife and my naturo is pissed that I can't afford his treatment for the detox.
Meanwhile I am using a walking stick just to walk my daughter the 200m to school everyday and need someone to drive me long distances.
After doing a heap of research on Mr Google - as you do - and seeing all the drama that a systemic Candida infection could cause we decided that there could be no harm in undertaking a program to at least eliminate this and get the immune system somewhat functioning again.
I do not expect this to cure me - I should say that straight up. I am not entirely convinced that my problem lies with just a Candida overgrowth, but seeing as official testing is not showing anything I have nothing to lose. We will see what we are left with once I have finished the program.
Hubby is also doing this with me, partly to keep me company (bless him!) and partly to see how it would work for someone who was 'normal'.
We chose the How To Cure Candida program partly because of its sales page - very cool, partly because of the young team that run it but mostly because it also seemed to be the best all round cleansing program for not only Candida, but also parasites. It also contains a detox protocol which would help to chelate the metals out while making sure that the liver and kidneys were supported.
Why am I documenting this?
3 Reasons;
I reckon that I will see some improvement in my health as a result of following through with it. With the way my life is at the moment, any improvement would be fantastic - nothing like putting it into the public forum!
If this does work in more ways than I anticipate, then there are many people who need this information and that can stop paying thousands upon thousands of dollars for treatment that is either; not working, that gives an inconclusive result or getting the treatment from people that make them feel like utter crap.
I am an internet marketer, but I also like to think that I am an ethical marketer, so I guess this is a bit of a test to see how these magic eBooks actually work when it comes to curing health issues.
Just so we are all on the same page;
The product that I am using is How To Cure Candida,
It is a downloadable eBook by Dean Boukaras, Jessica Dale & Ryan Shea.
I only purchased the basic version at a cost of $39.95 (US).
Here we go, wish me luck!

This was my spit test result within 10 minutes. A big pile of yuck on the bottom of the glass!
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