Monday, June 28

How To Cure Candida - Week 9

OK, so apparently I've got CFS right
- It's kind of the official term for 'we acknowledge that something is wrong but we don't know what'.

Which is fine, but what annoys me is that everywhere you turn you have medical professionals saying that CFS is not caused by Candida......they don't know what does cause it, but they know that the Candida fungus isn't one of those causes - huh?

Do a quick search of 'Candida CFS' or Does 'Candida Cause CFS' and you will find many stories of people who have gone on Candida diets and found some relief, only to get a relapse when they lapse off the diet.....

Or is it a case of 'what came first - the chicken or the egg'. Could our Candida actually be a symptom of our CFS.

Is it our Chronic Fatigue that is compromising our immune systems - much the same way as people who have leukemia suffer from persistent infections.....and maybe the Candida diet works so well because it is a fantastic diet for our immune system.......


I do know that for the last few weeks I have felt really good mentally and I was even able to get out in the garden for an hour before hitting the 'physical wall'.

I also know that for the last few days I have felt like crap - my parasthesias have returned, my energy has plummeted, I have had leg spasms for the last 3 nights, my jaw has seized again and all other symptoms are returning with a vengeance...... Unfortunately this relapse/flare-uphas co-incided with three events;

1) A stressful week - Our son had a follow-up kidney scan that was not as good as we had hoped for. He also has another ear infection and has been up screaming for 4 nights and My nanny was sick for two days last week. Me stuck with 4 young kids with no help and no ability to work.....very dodgy!

2) Physical work - Having to look after the kids meant that I had to push myself physically. So much so that by the end of our 'playgroup' I physically could not stand and I had to get a friend to drive us all home. That was an eye opener!

3) Cheating - It would be fair to say that I had cheated a bit at the beginning of the week too. Ummm actually a lot. In-fact we had two days where fish and chips, homemade bread rolls and Kate's yummy biscuits featured highly among the salads, walnuts and scrambled eggs!

So it is back to the drawing board and I am now noting every food into the diary.....sheesh!

Phil is also feeling like crap - but I think that it it more to do with the 4 nights of non-sleep. Between our son and me the poor darling doesn't get a wink either. He has got a week off work next week, boy are we looking forward to that!

Needless to say the liver flush has been put off again :o) (tee hee)

See ya next week



  1. Before I went on and stuck to the candida diet, I was a mess. I am almost 6 months into the candida diet and feeling wonderful. I never want to go back to where I was before. I have not cheated on my diet, not that a word, knowingly???... anyway, I have healed a lot of my problems.

    I was so drained at one point that I did not want to do anything. Now I am starting exercises to build back my muscle that I lost.

    Hope you guys get to feeling better soon. Terry

  2. So glad you stopped by my blog and left a comment.

    How are you doing with your candida?

    Stop by and add your blog to the linky I have for candida blogs.
